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Professional third-party medical field inspection and testing institutions

Focus on toxicology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacokinetics research and detection

Home/About us/ A statement of impartiality

A statement of impartiality

In order to ensure the fairness of the inspection and testing work of Zhongke Guochuang (Xi 'an) Inspection and Certification Co., LTD., to provide the society with fair, scientific, effective and standardized testing data proof, safeguard the national interests and the legitimate rights and interests of the people and achieve the quality policy and objectives, we hereby make the following statement of fairness:

a) Strict implementation of national policies and relevant laws and regulations, inspection and testing institutions (laboratories) certification and accreditation requirements. Based on the test data, taking the law as the criterion, free from any outside influence and interference, to ensure a fair position as a third party.

b) When the environment, facilities, equipment and personnel have changed and cannot continue to meet the requirements for qualification recognition, not to issue data and results with proof to the society without authorization.

c) Not to issue the report results without inspection and testing; Not tamper with data or results without authorization, or issue false data or results; Do not forge or alter inspection report results.

d) Not to transfer, rent, lend qualification certificates and marks; Not forge, alter, falsely use, lease qualification certificate and logo; Do not use the qualification certificates and marks that have become invalid, revoked or cancelled. Do not forge or alter the seals of inspection and testing institutions or the signatures of inspection and testing personnel.

e) Where the certification department orders rectification and requires that the data and results with certification effect have to be issued to the society without authorization during the rectification period, rectification shall be carried out in earnest in accordance with the requirements of the certification department, and data and results shall not be issued to the society without authorization (when applicable).

f) There is no illegal act of recommending products to the society, carrying out product supervision and marketing.

g) All personnel of the Company shall not participate in any activities that undermine the independence and integrity of the test judgment; Not to participate in the product design, development, production, supply, installation, use or maintenance activities related to the test project or similar competitive projects. Personnel engaged in inspection and testing activities in the Company shall not engage in similar inspection and testing work in other inspection and testing institutions.

h) All personnel of the Company shall not be subjected to any internal or external improper commercial, financial and other pressures and influences, and shall prevent commercial bribery.

i) All the staff of the Company shall strictly implement and implement the provisions of the Quality Manual and Procedure Documents, abide by professional ethics, issue data, certificates and reports, and achieve scientific management and quality service.

j) Establish and improve various rules and regulations, and strictly implement open procedures to ensure fair, accurate and scientific work quality, and be responsible for the test data and results. We must seek truth from facts, correct mistakes, and handle all kinds of unfair issues in a serious and serious manner.

The Company undertakes to publish this statement through the official website, official Weibo, official wechat or other public means, and is responsible for the authenticity of the statement.