

Service item

Professional third-party medical field inspection and testing institutions

Focus on toxicology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacokinetics research and detection

Toxicological pathology



Product Details


It can provide clinicopathological testing items for non-clinical evaluation and clinical trials of drugs, and can establish new testing methods and implement methodological validation according to customer needs.

Category: Non-clinical safety evaluation

Medicines for human purposes

Blood test:

Five categories of white blood cells (LY, MONO, NEUT, EO, BASO) and their count, red blood cell count (RBC), hematocrit (HCT), platelet count (PLT), hemoglobin content (HGB), platelet distribution width (PDW), reticulocyte related indicators, etc

Blood coagulation test:

Exogenous coagulation factor activity tests (Ⅱ, Ⅴ, Ⅶ, Ⅹ), endogenous coagulation factor activity tests (Ⅷ, Ⅸ, XI, Ⅻ), coagulation function (Fbg, TT, PT, APTT), platelet function related (platelet aggregation rate), anticoagulation related tests (AT-Ⅲ, α₂- anti-plasminogen, plasminogen), fibrinolytic system related tests (D-D), Lupus anticoagulant detection (LA1, LA2)

Serum biochemical test:

Serum protein metabolic function (TP, ALB), glucose metabolity-related assay (GLU, β-hydroxybutyric acid), ion assay (ISE, CA, P), serum enzymology (ALT, AST, ALP, CK, GGT, LDH), lipid metabolism (TCHOL, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C), bilirubin and bile acid metabolic function (T BIL, DBIL, TBA), renal function (UA, UREA, CREA, NAG), immunoglobulin and complement detection (IGA, IGG, IGM, C3, C4), acute reaction protein (CRP, serum amyloid A substance), pancreatic function (AMY, LIP), etc.)

Chemiluminescence detection:

Myocardial injury markers (CTNI, CK-MB, MYO), heart failure markers (BNP), reproductive hormones (FSH, LH, P, E2, PRL, T), thyroid function (T3, T4, FT3, FT4, TSH), inflammation-related (IL-6), erythropoietin (EPO), tumor markers (AFP, CEA, PSA, cancer antigen 125, etc

Urine test:

Urine physical test, urine dry chemical test, etc

Flow cytometry:

T cell subtype typing and counting, B cell subtype typing and counting, NK cell activity determination, DC cell typing, cell cycle determination, cell proliferation detection, etc


Renal injury (KIM-1) and immune function correlation (IGE, IGG, IGM, TDAR, circulating immune complex CIC) were detected by urine physical tests and urine dry chemical tests

Morphological detection:

Bone marrow morphology, blood cell morphology, urine type component morphology, cerebrospinal fluid/joint fluid/serosal effusion morphology of experimental animals, etc

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